Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Resolution Work Started

Time to get moving!

     I began my annual New Year's diet and exercise program today by going and buying Atkins friendly foods and by doing my Slim in 6 workout. I dread having the "Atkins Flu" which is the splitting headache, nausea, tremors, fatigue, sweats, and extreme irritability that I get from withdrawing from caffeine, carbs, and sugar. It is an extremely horrible experience and for me it usually lasts for about a week. I also dread being so sore that I can barely move from doing Slim in 6. Yeah, I am going to be one happy camper-sore, sweaty, nauseated, shaky, irritable, and in possession of a blinding headache. My poor co-workers and patients!
     On the bright side, I am already feeling more in control. Over the holidays I ate anything and everything in sight and that left me feeling out of control. It also left me feeling tired, lethargic, and in a sort of mental fog. That sort of out of control eating completely saps not only my self-esteem and energy but my creativity as well. I hope that once the symptoms of the "Atkins Flu" and the muscle soreness are better I will start feeling more energetic.
     It is sort of embarrassing but I am going to publish my beginning "stats": Height-5'3, Weight-125, Goal for weight loss this week 2-4 pounds (End Goal Weight-100-110). Of course I want to lose all of this weight overnight but I didn't put it on overnight and I know it won't come off overnight. Right now losing weight and getting in shape seem like goals that are almost out of reach.

My goals seem almost inaccessible right now!
But I know that with patience and perseverance I will reach those goals! I am determined and I am in the zone. I am unstoppable!
     Weight loss is not the only resolution I made for 2013. I also resolved to:
Talk less and listen more
Gossip less
Take many, many photos
Forgive and let go
Walk closer with Christ
Think and speak more positive thoughts and words
Try to be a blessing to at least one person every day
Work on my gigantic debt problem
Laugh more, worry less
Count my blessings
Be more thankful
take time to be amazed by the small things
Write at least two short stories this year 

       Now let's see if I can make these stick...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Blog

     New Year's Day. I, like scores of other people, make resolutions designed to make me thinner, fitter, less gossipy, a better listener, etc., etc. This is the time of year that I am filled to overflowing with great intentions of becoming an overall better person. These intentions are usually just that-intentions and they rarely stick (I have resolved to lose the same 25 pounds this year that I resolved to lose last year).  
     One of the many resolutions that I made this year was to start a blog to showcase my photos, to serve as a place to express myself in general, and to allow others a view into my world through my cracked lens. So, here I am. I don't know how long it will last but hey, I started and that is something. I honestly have no idea what I am doing and I am just going to learn as I go. This means that I will probably make a fool of myself and fall on my face but that is all part of the process of learning and growth so I'm okay with that.
     Here in North Alabama 2013 has gotten off to a cold, rainy, gray, dreary start but gray and dreary is not how I wanted to start my first ever blog. That is why I chose to start my blog by showcasing a photo that is upbeat, bright, and happy. This photo inspires me to think positive and to hope that 2013 is much better than 2012 was. Goodbye to 2012 and good riddance! Hello 2013 and new resolutions...